Kristi Farnsworth leaves on her mission

 Here are some pictures of Sister Kristi Farnsworth - just moments before she reported to the MTC in Provo, Utah.  We met Kristi and Juli and Brandon at the Provo, Temple to take some final
pictures.  Kristi was so cute and excited and ready to go!

The reason we took pictures at the temple was because they only let you drop off your missionary on the curb of the MTC.  There were so many other missionaries and their families at the temple doing the same thing we were.  We love to do sessions on Wednesday - just so we can see the
finally exchanges between new missionaries and their families!

A moment of pondering...........between the two sisters! What a crack up!

 We hugged goodbye and then I said, "Hurray for Zion".  Then Kristi held up her right hand and said, "Hooray for Is-ra-el!"  
Juliette texted Tami some of the pictures we took and Tami without knowing what we had just said in parting texted her back,  "Hooray for Israel!"  
A tender mercy for us all!